James.Games is a very efficient game-driven learning platform for both trainers and players. It allows training courses to be practiced in a relaxed and fun way by young and old.
The uniqueness lies mainly in the way we offer training content to repeat. Namely in quiz form and through casual games.
And we have a good reason for that! Because by repeatedly practicing through casual gaming you can have the content of training programs memorized even better than just through quiz apps.
It is scientifically proven that this way of learning ensures the best training results. We start with the German psychologist Ebbinghaus, pioneer in learning psychological research.
The forgetting curve of Hermann Ebbinghaus
Forgetting is an exponential process, with an alarmingly rapid decrease in memory in just minutes after training. Ebbinghaus discovered that 70% of the information is lost after 24 hours and 90% after a week.
When it comes to information transfer and training within your company, this translates into a lot of wasted time and resources... And of course you want to avoid that.
Ebbinghaus found that information is easier to remember if it is repeated regularly. The result is that the memory of a person becomes stronger by practicing it.
And quizzes play an important role in this. They help to clarify important information and make it possible to measure the knowledge of the matter.
Casual Games as a driver
Casual games are intended for the general public and appeal to people of all ages, gender or nationality. They are fun and easy to play and are usually played for a short period, about 5 minutes. They have a relaxing effect.
Research by Russoniello has shown that casual gaming improves mood and reduces stress. They create short breaks that let participants relax. It's just that relaxing effect that we use to absorb the training content more easily.
Reinecke also showed that games reduce stress. Stress reduction is receiving more and more attention because research continues to show what negative effects stress can have on physical and mental well-being. Just think of burnouts and bore-outs that are one of the most important causes of absenteeism at work.
Recently, a study group at the University of Central Florida has shown that casual gaming during breaks can serve as a stress reducing factor in the workplace. Their conclusion was that playing casual games for 5 minutes has an increased positive (task involvement) and a reduced negative effect (stress) on employees.
They go one step further by stating that large-scale use of casual gaming has the potential to improve employee productivity and efficiency. And that leads to an improvement in the profitability of a company.
James.Games as the ideal learning assistant!
By combining repetitive quizzes with attractive casual gaming, we tackle the forgetting curve in a thoughtful, casual and fun way.
In the graph below you can see that every time knowledge is in danger of being lost, it's regained by playing James.Games.

On the one hand, we let the casual games do their job to attract and motivate participants through the ingrained game elements. Because of their short playing time and low difficulty level, they provide more fun during and a higher task involvement.
On the other hand, repeating the training content with online quizzes is the ideal way to optimize knowledge retention. It allows you to reach multiple participant groups at the same time (whether or not at different locations). The online quizzes give direct results for both the participants and the trainer.
James.Games is a unique way of learning that can assist with any training.